Module gen_udp

An implementation of the Erlang/OTP gen_udp interface.


This module provides an implementation of a subset of the functionality of the Erlang/OTP gen_udp interface. It is designed to be API-compatible with gen_udp, with exceptions noted below.

This interface may be used to send and receive UDP packets, as either binaries or strings. Active and passive modes are supported for receiving data.


  • Currently no support for IPv6

  • Currently limited support for socket tuning parameters

  • Currently no support for closing sockets

Note. Port drivers for this interface are not supportedon all AtomVM platforms.

Data Types


option() = {active, boolean()} | {buffer, pos_integer()} | {timeout, timeout()} | list | binary | {binary, boolean()}


packet() = string() | binary()


reason() = term()

Function Index

close/1 Close the socket.
controlling_process/2 Assign a controlling process to the socket.
open/1 Create a UDP socket.
open/2 Create a UDP socket.
recv/2 Receive a packet over a UDP socket from a source address/port.
recv/3 Receive a packet over a UDP socket from a source address/port.
send/4 Send a packet over a UDP socket to a target address/port.

Function Details


close(Socket::inet:socket()) -> ok

Socket: the socket to close

returns: ok

Close the socket.


controlling_process(Socket::inet:socket(), Pid::pid()) -> ok | {error, Reason::reason()}

Socket: the socket to which to assign the pid
Pid: Pid to which to send messages

returns: ok | {error, Reason}.

Assign a controlling process to the socket. The controlling process will receive messages from the socket.

This function will return {error, not_owner} if the calling process is not the current controlling process.

By default, the controlling process is the process associated with the creation of the Socket.


open(PortNum::inet:port_number()) -> {ok, inet:socket()} | {error, Reason::reason()}

Equivalent to open(PortNum, []).

Create a UDP socket. This function will instantiate a UDP socket that may be used to send or receive UDP messages.


open(PortNum::inet:port_number(), Options::[option()]) -> {ok, inet:socket()} | {error, Reason::reason()}

Options: A list of configuration parameters.

returns: an opaque reference to the socket instance, used in subsequent commands.

throws bad_arg

Create a UDP socket. This function will instantiate a UDP socket that may be used to send or receive UDP messages. This function will raise an exception with the bad_arg atom if there is no socket driver supported for the target platform.

Note. The Params argument is currently ignored.


recv(Socket::inet:socket(), Length::non_neg_integer()) -> {ok, {inet:address(), inet:port_number(), packet()}} | {error, reason()}

Equivalent to recv(Socket, Length, infinity).

Receive a packet over a UDP socket from a source address/port.


recv(Socket::inet:socket(), Length::non_neg_integer(), Timeout::timeout()) -> {ok, {inet:address(), inet:port_number(), packet()}} | {error, reason()}

Socket: the socket over which to receive a packet
Length: the maximum length to read of the received packet
Timeout: the amount of time to wait for a packet to arrive

returns: {ok, {Address, Port, Packet}} | {error, Reason}

Receive a packet over a UDP socket from a source address/port. The address and port of the received packet, as well as the received packet data, are returned from this call. This call will block until data is received or a timeout occurs.

Note. Currently Length and Timeout parameters areignored.

Note. Currently the length of the received packetis limited to 128 bytes.


send(Socket::inet:socket(), Address::inet:address(), PortNum::inet:port_number(), Packet::packet()) -> ok | {error, reason()}

Socket: the socket over which to send a packet
Address: the target address to which to send the packet
Packet: the packet of data to send

returns: ok | {error, Reason}

Send a packet over a UDP socket to a target address/port.

Note. Currently only ipv4 addresses are supported.