Build Instructions

This guide is intended for anyone interested in building the AtomVM virtual machine from source code. You may be interested in building the AtomVM source code if you want to provide bug fixes or enhancements to the VM, or if you want to simply learn more about the platform. In addition, some “downstream” drivers for specific devices may need to be built specifically for the target platform (e.g., ESP32), in which case building the VM from source code is required.

Note. Many applications do not require building the AtomVM runtime from source code. Instead, you can download pre-built VM images for platforms such as ESP32, and use Erlang and Elixir tooling to build and deploy your applications.

The AtomVM virtual machine itself, including the runtime code execution engine, as well as built-in functions and Nifs is implemented in C. The core standard and AtomVM libraries are implemented in Erlang and Elixir.

The native C parts of AtomVM compile to machine code on MacOS, Linux, and FreeBSD platforms. The C code also compiles to run on the ESP32 and STM32 platforms. Typically, binaries for these platforms are created on a UNIX-like environment (MacOS or Linux, currently) using tool-chains provided by device vendors to cross-compile and target specific device architectures.

The Erlang and Elixir parts are compiled to BEAM byte-code using the Erlang (erlc) and Elixir compilers. For information about specific versions of required software, see the Release Notes.

This guide provides information about how to build AtomVM for the various supported platforms (Generic UNIX, ESP32, and STM32).

Note. In order to build AtomVM AVM files for ESP32 and STM32 platforms, you will also need to build AtomVM for the Generic UNIX platform of your choice.

Downloading AtomVM

The AtomVM source code is available by cloning the AtomVM github repository:

shell$ git clone

To build the v0.6.0-alpha.0 release checkout the tag:

shell$ git checkout v0.6.0-alpha.0

If you have previously cloned the repository using git pull --rebase does not pull the tags by default to update your local clone and retrieve all the tags use:

shell$ git  pull --tags --rebase

Note. Downloading the AtomVM github repository requires the installation of the git program. Consult your local OS documentation for installation of the git package.

Source code organization

Source code is organized as follows:

  • src Contains the core AtomVM virtual machine source code;

  • lib Contains the Erlang and Elixir core library source code;

  • tools Contains AtomVM tooling, including the PackBEAM executable, as well as build support tooling;

  • examples Contains sample programs for demonstration purposes;

  • tests Contains test code run as part of test qualification;

  • doc Contains documentation source code and content.

The src directory is broken up into the core platform-independent AtomVM library (libAtomVM), and platform-dependent code for each of the supported platforms (Generic UNIX, ESP32, and STM32).

For information about porting to new platforms, see Porting to new platforms, below.

Building for Generic UNIX

The following instructions apply to unix-like environments, including Linux, FreeBSD, and MacOS.

Note. The Generic UNIX is useful for running and testing simple AtomVM programs. Not all of the AtomVM APIs, specifically, APIs that are dependent on various device integration, are supported on this platform.

Build Requirements

The following software is required in order to build AtomVM in generic UNIX systems:

  • gcc or llvm tool chains

  • cmake

  • make

  • gperf

  • zlib

  • Erlang/OTP compiler (erlc)

  • Elixir compiler

Consult Release Notes for currently supported versions of required software.

Consult your local OS documentation for instructions about how to install these components.

Build Instructions

The AtomVM build for generic UNIX systems makes use of the cmake tool for generating make files from the top level AtomVM directory. With CMake, you generally create a separate directory for all output files (make files, generated object files, linked binaries, etc). A common pattern is to create a local build directory, and then point cmake to the parent directory for the root of the source tree:

shell$ mkdir build
shell$ cd build
shell$ cmake ..

This command will create all of the required make files for creating the AtomVM binary, tooling, and core libraries. You can create all of these object using the make command:

shell$ make -j 8

Note. You may specify -j <n>, where <n> is the number of CPUs you would like to assign to run the build in parallel.

Upon completion, the AtomVM executable can be found in the build/src directory.

The AtomVM core Erlang library can be found in the generated libs/atomvmlib.avm AVM file.

Use the install target to install the atomvm command and associated binary files. On most UNIX systems, these artifacts will be installed in the /usr/local directory tree.

Note. On some systems, you may need to run this target with root or sudo permissions.

shell$ sudo make install

Once installed, you can use the atomvm command to execute an AtomVM application. E.g.,

shell$ atomvm /path/to/myapp.avm

For users doing incremental development on the AtomVM virtual machine, you may want to run the AtomVM binary directly instead of installing the VM on your machine. If you do, you will typically need to also specify the path to the AtomVM core Erlang library. For example,

shell$ cd build
shell$ ./src/AtomVM /path/to/myapp.avm ./libs/atomvmlib.avm

Special Note for MacOS users

You may build an Apple Xcode project, for developing, testing, and debugging in the Xcode IDE, by specifying the Xcode generator. For example, from the top level AtomVM directory:

shell$ mkdir xcode
shell$ cmake -G Xcode ..
shell$ open AtomVM.xcodeproj

The above commands will build and open an AtomVM project in the Xcode IDE.

Running tests

There are currently two sets of suites of tests for AtomVM:

  • Erlang tests (erlang_tests) A set of unit tests for basic Erlang functionality, exercising support BEAM opcodes, built-in functions (Bifs) and native functions (Nifs).

  • Library tests, exercising functionality in the core Erlang and Elixir libraries.

To run the Erlang tests, run the test-erlang executable in the tests directory:

shell$ ./tests/test-erlang

This will run a suite of several score unit tests. Check the status of the executable after running the tests. A non-zero return value indicates a test failure.

To run the Library tests, run the corresponding AVM module in the tests/libs directory using the AtomVM executable. For example:

shell$ ./src/AtomVM ./tests/libs/estdlib/test_estdlib.avm

This will run a suite of several unit tests for the specified library. Check the status of the executable after running the tests. A non-zero return value indicates a test failure.

Tests for the following libraries are supported:

  • estdlib

  • eavmlib

  • alisp

Building for ESP32

Building AtomVM for ESP32 must be done on either a Linux or MacOS build machine.

In order to build a complete AtomVM image for ESP32, you will also need to build AtomVM for the Generic UNIX platform (typically, the same build machine you are suing to build AtomVM for ESP32).

Build Requirements

The following software is required in order to build AtomVM for the ESP32 platform:

Instructions for downloading and installing the Espressif IDF SDK and tool chains are outside of the scope of this document. Please consult the IDF SDKGetting Started guide for more information.

Build Instructions

To activate the ESP-IDF build environment change directories to the tree root of your local ESP-IDF:

shell$ cd <ESP-IDF-ROOT-DIR>
shell$ . ./

Note: If you followed Espressif’s installation guide the ESP-IDF directory is ${HOME}/esp/esp-idf

Change directories to the src/platforms/esp32 directory under the AtomVM source tree root:

shell$ cd <atomvm-source-tree-root>
shell$ cd src/platforms/esp32

Start by updating the default build configuration of local sdkconfig file via the reconfigure command:

shell$ set-target esp32
shell$ reconfigure

Note. For those familiar with esp-idf the build can be customized using menuconfig instead of reconfigure

shell$ menuconfig

This command will bring up a curses dialog box where you can make adjustments such as not including AtomVM components that are not desired in a particular build. You can also change the behavior of a crash in the VM to print the error and reboot, or halt after the error is printed. Extreme caution should be used when changing any non AtomVM settings. You can quit the program by typing Q. Save the changes, and the program will exit.

You can now build AtomVM using the build command:

shell$ build

This command, once completed, will create the Espressif bootloader, partition table, and AtomVM binary. The last line of the output should read something like the following:

To flash all build output, run ' flash' or:
python /path/to/esp-idf-sdk/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --chip esp32
--port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash
-z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect
0x1000 /path-to-atomvm-source-tree/Atomvm/src/platforms/esp32/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin
0x10000 /path-to-atomvm-source-tree/Atomvm/src/platforms/esp32/build/atomvm-esp32.bin
0x8000 /path-to-atomvm-source-tree/Atomvm/src/platforms/esp32/build/partitions.bin

At this point, you can run flash to upload the 3 binaries up to your ESP32 device, and in some development scenarios, this is a preferable shortcut.

However, first, we will build a single binary image file containing all of the above 3 binaries, as well as the AtomVM core libraries. See Building a Release Image, below. But first, it is helpful to understand a bit about how the AtomVM partitioning scheme works, on the ESP32.

Running tests

Tests for ESP32 are run on the desktop (or CI) using qemu.

Install or compile Espressif’s fork of qemu. Espressif provides binaries for Linux amd64 and it’s also bundled in espressif/idf:5.1 docker image.

Also install Espressif pytest’s extensions for embedded testing with:

shell$ cd <ESP-IDF-ROOT-DIR>
shell$ . ./
shell$ pip install pytest==7.0.1 \
        pytest-embedded==1.2.5 \
        pytest-embedded-serial-esp==1.2.5 \
        pytest-embedded-idf==1.2.5 \

Change directory to the src/platforms/esp32/test directory under the AtomVM source tree root:

shell$ cd <atomvm-source-tree-root>
shell$ cd src/platforms/esp32/test

Build tests using the build command:

shell$ build

Note. This eventually compiles host AtomVM to be able to build and pack erlang test modules.

Run tests using the command:

shell$ pytest --embedded-services=idf,qemu -s

ESP32 tests are erlang modules located in src/platforms/esp32/test/main/test_erl_sources/ and executed from src/platforms/esp32/test/main/test_main.c.

Flash Layout

The AtomVM Flash memory is partitioned to include areas for the above binary artifacts created from the build, as well areas for runtime information used by the ESP32 and compiled Erlang/Elixir code.

The flash layout is roughly as follows (not to scale):

+-----------------+  ------------- 0x0000
|    secure       |
|     boot        | 4KB
|                 |
+-----------------+  ------------- 0x1000
|                 |             ^
|   boot loader   | 28KB        |
|                 |             |
+-----------------+             |
| partition table | 3KB         |
+-----------------+             |
|                 |             |
|       NVS       | 24KB        |
|                 |             |
+-----------------+             |
|     PHY_INIT    | 4KB         |
+-----------------+             | AtomVM
|                 |             | binary
|                 |             | image
|                 |             |
|     AtomVM      |             |
|     Virtual     | 1.75MB      |
|     Machine     |             |
|                 |             |
|                 |             |
+-----------------+             |
|     lib.avm     | 256KB       v
+-----------------+  ------------- 0x210000
|                 |             ^
|                 |             |
|     main.avm    | 1MB+        | Erlang/Elixir
|                 |             | Application
|                 |             |
|                 |             v
+-----------------+  ------------- end

The following table summarizes the partitions created on the ESP32 when deploying AtomVM:





Secure Boot



Initialization vectors and other data needed for ESP32 secure boot.




The ESP32 bootloader, as built from the IDF-SDK. AtomVM does not define its own bootloader.

Partition Table



The AtomVM-defined partition table.




Space for non-volatile storage.




Initialization data for physical layer radio signal data.

AtomVM virtual machine



The AtomVM virtual machine (compiled from C code).




The AtomVM BEAM library, compiled from Erlang and Elixir files in the AtomVM source tree.




The user application. This is where users flash their compiled Erlang/Elixir code

The lib.avm and main.avm partitions

The lib.avm and main.avm partitions are intended to store Erlang/Elixir libraries (compiled down to BEAM files, and assembled as AVM files).

The lib.avm partition is intended for core Erlang/Elixir libraries that are built as part of the AtomVM build. The release image of AtomVM (see below) includes both the AtomVM virtual machine and the lib.avm partition, which includes the BEAM files from the estdlib and eavmlib libraries.

In contrast, the main.avm partition is intended for user applications. Currently, the main.avm partition starts at address 0x210000, and it is to that location to which application developers should flash their application AVM files.

The AtomVM search path for BEAM modules starts in the main.avm partition and falls back to lib.avm. Users should not have a need to override any functionality in the lib.avm partition, but if necessary, a BEAM module of the same name in the main.avm partition will be loaded instead of the version in the lib.avm partition.

Note. The location of the main.avm partition may change over time, depending on the relative sizes of the AtomVM binary and lib.avm partitions.

Building a Release Image

The <atomvm-source-tree-root>/tools/release/esp32 directory contains the script that can be used to create a single AtomVM image file, which can be distributed as a release, allowing application developers to develop AtomVM applications without having to build AtomVM from scratch.

Note. Before running the script, you must have a complete build of both the esp32 project, as well as a full build of the core Erlang libraries in the libs directory. The script configuration defaults to assuming that the core Erlang libraries will be written to the build/libs directory in the AtomVM source tree. You should pass the --build_dir <path> option to the script, with <path> pointing to your AtomVM build directory, if you target a different build directory when running CMake.

Running this script will generate a single atomvm-<sha>.img file in the build directory of the esp32 source tree, where <sha> is the git hash of the current checkout. This image contains the ESP32 bootloader, AtomVM executable, and the eavmlib and estdlib Erlang libraries in one file, which can then be flashed to address 0x1000.

The script is run from the src/platform/esp32 directory as follows:

shell$ ./build/
Writing output to /home/frege/AtomVM/src/platforms/esp32/build/atomvm-esp32-0.6.0-dev+git.602e6bc.img
Wrote bootloader at offset 0x1000 (4096)
Wrote partition-table at offset 0x8000 (32768)
Wrote AtomVM Virtual Machine at offset 0x10000 (65536)
Wrote AtomVM Core BEAM Library at offset 0x110000 (1114112)

Users can then use the directly to flash the entire image to the ESP32 device, and then flash their applications to the partition at address 0x210000,

But first, it is a good idea to erase the flash, e.g.,

shell$ --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash v2.1
Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Chip erase completed successfully in 5.4s
Hard resetting...

Flashing Release Images

After preparing a release image you can use the, which is generated with each build that will flash the full image using the correct flash offset for the chip the build was configured for.

shell$ ./build/

To perform this action manually you can use the ./build/ tool (or directly, if you prefer):

shell$ FLASH_OFFSET=0x1000 ./build/ ./build/atomvm-esp32-0.6.0-dev+git.602e6bc.img v2.8-dev
Serial port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 30:ae:a4:1a:37:d8
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 921600
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Wrote 1163264 bytes at 0x00001000 in 15.4 seconds (603.1 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Hard resetting via RTS pin...

Note. Flashing the full AtomVM image will delete all entries in non-volatile storage. Only flash the full image if you have a way to recover and re-write any such data, if you need to retain it.

Flashing Applications

Applications can be flashed using the script in the esp32 build directory:

shell$ ./build/ ../../../build/examples/erlang/esp32/blink.avm
%% Flashing examples/erlang/esp32/blink.avm (size=4k)
%% v2.8-dev
Serial port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 30:ae:a4:1a:37:d8
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 921600
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Wrote 16384 bytes at 0x00210000 in 0.2 seconds (611.7 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Hard resetting via RTS pin...

Note. Since the Erlang core libraries are flashed to the ESP32 device, it is not necessary to include core libraries in your application AVM files. Users may be interested in using downstream development tools, such as the Elixir ExAtomVM Mix task, or the Erlang AtomVM Rebar3 Plugin for doing day-to-day development of applications for the AtomVM platform.

Flashing the core libraries

If you are doing development work on the core Erlang/Elixir libraries and wish to test changes that do not involve the C code in the core VM you may flash atomvmlib.avm to the avm.lib partition (offset 0x1D0000) by using the script in the esp32 build directory as follows:

shell$ build/ -l ../../../build/libs/atomvmlib.avm
%% Flashing ../../../build/libs/atomvmlib.avm (size=116k)
%% v4.5.1
Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
Detecting chip type... Unsupported detection protocol, switching and trying again...
Detecting chip type... ESP32
Chip is ESP32-D0WD (revision v1.0)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 1a:57:c5:7f:ac:5b
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 921600
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 8MB
Flash will be erased from 0x001d0000 to 0x001ecfff...
Wrote 131072 bytes at 0x001d0000 in 1.8 seconds (582.1 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin...

Adding custom Nifs, Ports, and third-party components

While AtomVM is a functional implementation of the Erlang virtual machine, it is nonetheless designed to allow developers to extend the VM to support additional integrations with peripherals and protocols that are not otherwise supported in the core virtual machine.

AtomVM supports extensions to the VM via the implementation of custom native functions (Nifs) and processes (AtomVM Ports), allowing users to extend the VM for additional functionality, and you can add your own custom Nifs, ports, and additional third-party components to your ESP32 build by adding them to the components directory, and the ESP32 build will compile them automatically.

For more information about building components for the IDF SDK, consult the IDF SDK Build System documentation.

The instructions for adding custom Nifs and ports differ in slight detail, but are otherwise quite similar. In general, they involve:

  1. Adding the custom Nif or Port to the components directory of the AtomVM source tree;

  2. Adding the component to the corresponding main/component_nifs.txt or main/component_ports.txt files;

  3. Building the AtomVM binary.

Note. The Espressif SDK and tool chains do not, unfortunately, support dynamic loading of shared libraries and dynamic symbol lookup. In fact, dynamic libraries are not supported at all on the ESP32 using the IDF SDK; instead, any code that is needed at runtime must be statically linked into the application.

Custom Nifs and Ports are available through third parties. Follow the instructions provided with these custom components for detailed instruction for how to add the Nif or Port to your build.

More detailed instructions follow, below, for implementing your own Nif or Port.

Adding a custom AtomVM Nif

To add support for a new peripheral or protocol using custom AtomVM Nif, you need to do the following:

  • Choose a name for your nif (e.g, “my_nif”). Call this <moniker>.

  • In your source code, implement the following two functions:

    • void <moniker>_nif_init(GlobalContext *global);

      • This function will be called once, when the application is started.

    • const struct Nif *<moniker>_nif_get_nif(const char *nifname);

      • This function will be called to locate the Nif during a function call.


void my_nif_init(GlobalContext *global);
const struct Nif *my_nif_get_nif(const char *nifname);

Note. Instructions for implementing Nifs is outside of the scope of this document.

  • Add your <moniker> to the main/component_nifs.txt file in the src/platforms/esp32 directory.

Note. The main/component_nifs.txt file will not exist until after the first clean build.

Adding a custom AtomVM Port

To add support for a new peripheral or protocol using an AtomVM port, you need to do the following:

  • Choose a name for your port (e.g, “my_port”). Call this <moniker>.

  • In your source code, implement the following two functions:

    • void <moniker>_init(GlobalContext *global);

      • This function will be called once, when the application is started.

    • Context *<moniker>_create_port(GlobalContext *global, term opts);

      • This function will be called to locate the Nif during a function call.


void my_port_init(GlobalContext *global);
Context *my_port_create_port(GlobalContext *global, term opts);

Note. Instructions for implementing Ports is outside of the scope of this document.

  • Add your <moniker> to the main/component_ports.txt file in the src/platforms/esp32 directory.

Note. The main/component_ports.txt file will not exist until after the first clean build.

Building for STM32


  • arm-none-eabi/arm-elf toolchain compatible with your system

  • cmake

  • make

  • git

  • libopencm3

Setup libopencm3

Before building for the first time you need to have a compiled clone of the libopencm3 libraries, from inside the AtomVM/src/platforms/stm32 directory:

$ git clone
$ cd libopencm3 && make -j4 && cd ..

Note: You can put libopencm3 wherever you want on your PC as long as you update LIBOPENCM3_DIR to point to it. This example assumes it has been cloned into /opt/libopencm3 and built. From inside the AtomVM/src/platforms/stm32 directory:``` cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/arm-toolchain.cmake -DLIBOPENCM3_DIR=/opt/libopencm3 ..

Build AtomVM

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/arm-toolchain.cmake
$ make

Changing device

The default build is based on the STM32F4Discovery board chip (stm32f407vgt6). If you want to target a different chip, pass the -DDEVICE flag when invoking cmake. For example, to use the STM32F429Discovery, pass -DDEVICE=stm32f429zit6

If you are building for a different target board the CLOCK_FREQUENCY definition in main.c will need to be changed to match the clock frequency (in hertz) of your cpu.

The rcc_clock_setup_XXX_XXX will also need to be changed to match your particular chip-set. Consult ST’s documentation for appropriate settings.


By default, stdout and stderr are printed on USART2. On the STM32F4Discovery board, you can see them using a TTL-USB with the TX pin connected to board’s pin PA2 (USART2 RX). Baudrate is 115200 and serial transmission is 8N1 with no flow control.

If building for a different target USART and gpio pins may need to be adjusted in main.c.

Building for Raspberry Pi Pico


  • cmake

  • ninja

  • Erlang/OTP

  • Elixir (optional)

AtomVM build steps

cd src/platforms/rp2040/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G Ninja

You may want to build with option AVM_REBOOT_ON_NOT_OK so Pico restarts on error.

libAtomVM build steps

Build of standard libraries is part of the generic unix build.

From the root of the project:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G Ninja

Building for NodeJS/Web

Two different builds are possible, depending on link options: for NodeJS and for the web browser.


Building for NodeJS

This is the default. Execute the following commands:

cd src/platforms/emscripten/
mkdir build
cd build
emcmake cmake ..
emmake make -j

AtomVM can then be invoked as on Generic Unix with node:

node ./src/AtomVM.js

Running tests with NodeJS

NodeJS build currently does not have dedicated tests. However, you can run AtomVM library tests that do not depend on unimplemented APIs.

Build them first by building AtomVM for Generic Unix (see above.) Then execute the tests with:

cd src/platforms/emscripten/build/
node ./src/AtomVM.js ../../../../build/tests/libs/eavmlib/test_eavmlib.avm
node ./src/AtomVM.js ../../../../build/tests/libs/alisp/test_alisp.avm

Building for the web

Execute the following commands:

cd src/platforms/emscripten/
mkdir build
cd build
emcmake cmake .. -DAVM_EMSCRIPTEN_ENV=web
emmake make -j

Running tests with Cypress

AtomVM WebAssembly port on the web uses SharedArrayBuffer feature which is restricted by browsers. Tests require an HTTP server that returns the proper HTTP headers.

Additionally, tests require Cypress. Plus, because of a current bug in Cypress, tests only run with Chrome-based browsers except Electron (Chromium, Chrome or Edge).

Build first AtomVM for Generic Unix (see above). This will include the web server.

Then run the web server with:

cd build
./src/AtomVM examples/emscripten/wasm_webserver.avm

In another terminal, compile specific test modules that are not part of examples.

cd src/platforms/emscripten/build/
make emscripten_erlang_test_modules

Then run tests with Cypress with:

cd src/platforms/emscripten/tests/
npm install cypress
npx cypress run --browser chrome

You can alternatvely specify: chromium or edge depending on what is installed.

Alternatively, on Linux, you can run tests with docker:

cd src/platforms/emscripten/tests/
docker run --network host -v $PWD:/mnt -w /mnt cypress/included:12.17.1 --browser chrome

Or you can open Cypress to interactively run selected test suites.

cd src/platforms/emscripten/tests/
npm install cypress
npx cypress open