Module proplists

An implementation of the Erlang/OTP proplists interface.


This module implements a strict subset of the Erlang/OTP proplists interface.

Data Types


property() = atom() | {term(), term()}

Function Index

get_value/2 Get a value from a property list.
get_value/3 Get a value from a property list.

Function Details


get_value(Key::term(), List::[property()]) -> term() | true | undefined

Equivalent to get_value(Key, List, undefined).

Get a value from a property list.


get_value(Key::term(), List::[property()], Default::term()) -> term()

Key: the key with which to find the value
List: the property list from which to get the value
Default: the default value to return, if Key is not in the property list.

returns: the value in the property list under the key, or Default, if Key is not in List.

Get a value from a property list.

Returns the value under the specified key, or the specified Default, if the Key is not in the supplied List. If the Key corresponds to an entry in the property list that is just a single atom, this function returns the atom true.