Module logger

A simple logging module.


This module can be used to log messages to the console.

Most applications should use the logging macros defined in logger.hrl to do logging.

Data Types


config() = [config_item()]


config_item() = {levels, [level()]}


level() = debug | info | warning | error


location() = {Module::module(), Function::atom(), Arity::non_neg_integer(), Line::non_neg_integer()}


sink() = {atom(), atom()}

Function Index

get_filter/0 Get the current filter in the logger.
get_levels/0 Get the current levels in the logger.
get_sinks/0 Get the current sinks in the logger.
log/3 Log a message the the specified location with the specified level.
set_filter/1 Set the filter in the logger.
set_levels/1 Set the levels in the logger.
set_sinks/1 Set the sinks in the logger.
start/0 Start the logger.
start/1 Start the logger.
stop/0 Stop the logger.

Function Details


get_filter() -> {ok, Filter::[module()]} | {error, timeout}

returns: the current filter set in the logger

Get the current filter in the logger.


get_levels() -> {ok, Levels::[level()]} | {error, timeout}

returns: the current list of levels set in the logger

Get the current levels in the logger.


get_sinks() -> {ok, Sinks::[sink()]} | {error, timeout}

returns: the current list of sinks set in the logger

Get the current sinks in the logger.


log(Location::location(), Level::level(), MsgFormat::{Format::string(), Args::[term()]}) -> ok

Location: the location in the source module
Level: the loglevel
MsgFormat: {String, [Args]} in io:format/1,2 notation.

Log a message the the specified location with the specified level.

Users should use the logging macros in logger.hrl instead of calling this function directly.


set_filter(Filter::[module()]) -> ok

Filter: the filter to set

returns: ok

Set the filter in the logger. Currently, a filter is a set of module names. If the filter is non-empty, then a log will be triggered only if the module being logged is in the filter list; otherwise, if the filter is empty, then the log will be triggered (if the level matches, as well)


set_levels(Levels::[level()]) -> ok

Levels: the list of levels to set

returns: ok

Set the levels in the logger.


set_sinks(Sinks::[sink()]) -> ok

Sinks: the list of sinks to set

returns: ok

Set the sinks in the logger.


start() -> {ok, pid()}

Equivalent to start([{levels, [info, warning, error]}]).

Start the logger.


start(Config::config()) -> {ok, pid()}

Config: the logging configuration

returns: {ok, Pid}

Start the logger.

This function will start the logger with the specified configuration.


stop() -> ok

Stop the logger.

This function is rarely used.